Sunday, June 24, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 21 Update

Summer is here!

Edisto Beach
I have been looking forward to getting out of the house and spending time being social for what seems like forever. And finally, it happened! Eric and I went to Edisto to spend the weekend camping with his family. The food was great, the beach was relaxing, and I was only sick one night. All in all, I call that a success! We are going back next weekend and I can't wait to get some more sun and feed the peanut more amazing food. 

Before going to Edisto the week was full of doctors appointments. I went in to see the specialist on Tuesday and he basically said that everything he can help me with while I'm pregnant is fine. In order to find out the real root of my issues he would have to perform an invasive procedure that comes with risks to the baby, so he wants to wait until after I deliver to see if the problems go away. Basically, there was nothing more he could do. My OB is aware of the situation, prescribed me some more antibiotics and probiotics, and said she would make her decision on what to do for the rest of my pregnancy at my appointment tomorrow.

Gymboree sale items
In more fun news, I have a new obsession: seeking out baby item sales. Last week I went to check out the sale items at Gymboree and found a ton of stuff for 7.99, 4.99, 0.99, and under. I bought a dress, a onesie, a t-shirt, a Christmas onesie and bow, two leggings, and four pairs of socks for $30. It would have been less, but that doggie dress was too cute and I had to have it even though it was $8. I am going to keep seeking out these sales because it's going to save us a fortune! Plus, it's really fun.

I am starting to get really excited about my baby shower and have been trying to go over in my head what I'm leaving off of the lists. I tried to keep the Target and Babies R Us registries different so we don't have duplicates of most things (except the necessary duplicates, like lotion, shampoo, etc), but I still feel like the registries look bare. I left off clothing because I know that people are going to buy whatever clothes they think are adorable anyway, and I did the same with burp cloths and receiving blankets. Babies need so much stuff! Eric and I decided not to put diapers on the registries either, but are hoping we get some in different sizes. We didn't register for anything in the 12-24 month range because we figure we can pick those things up over time. Wouldn't it be nice if this stuff just came with the baby?! 

The peanut was very active this week and her kicks are getting stronger. She even woke me up once while I was sleeping. Eric should be able to feel her sometime in the very near future! Most of the weekend she was sitting in a very uncomfortable position on my left side and I was very relieved when she moved back to the middle of my belly! 

21 weeks 6 days
This coming week the peanut will be developing her senses. Taste buds are forming and nerve endings are developing so she can experience the sensation of touch. She will be growing to about 1 pound in weight and  11 inches, or about the size of a spaghetti squash. She now looks like a really tiny newborn!

Cravings: chocolate, ice cream, beef
Aversions: onions, uncooked tomatoes 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 20 Update -Happy Father's Day!

Wow! 20 weeks down, and as of tomorrow, only 19 to go! Time really does fly by!

First I would like to wish a Happy Father's Day to all the dad's and dad-to-be's out there! Eric doesn't count this as his first Father's Day because the baby hasn't been born, but I'm working hard on making him a yummy meal anyway. Hopefully he likes my mom's spaghetti sauce recipe and my step grandmother's blueberry buckle recipe! I think it would be a little more special if Eric could feel the peanut move for the first time, but she's not quite strong enough yet.

Halfway through my pregnancy you would think I am feeling great and simply enjoying the kicks and jabs from my little kickboxer. However, I am still experiencing terrible morning sickness and have been tied to the couch for most of this past week. 

I went to see the doctor on Wednesday, thinking I would only be completing some paper work. Apparently they do a full workup anytime a patient comes into the office for any reason, which makes sense. I found out I was getting dehydrated again and the doctor prescribed avoiding work and stressful situations until we get the results back from the specialist next week. She may advise me to stop working for the duration of the pregnancy, which I have mixed feelings about. I love to work and to be social, but I agree that my job is very stressful and not very flexible for coping with my issues. It would be nice to have the extra money, but it isn't worth the risks to our baby. I guess we will know soon what the doctor wants me to do. 

I have gotten out of the house a little, which is wonderful. Thursday night Eric, Chris, and I went to play trivia at a bar. Yes, a bar. I'm a very classy pregnant lady. Yesterday Eric took me to Middleton Place, which is a beautiful landscaped garden area not far from our house. We video recorded the adventure so he can show the penut when she is older, the poor girl. Then we did some shopping for baby clothes and finally went to see What to Expect When You're Expecting. I LOVE the lady who went on about how much pregnancy sucks. I agree that all I ever wanted from pregnancy was the glow that you hear about and in pictures you see. However, I don't have a glow. Instead I have acne, backaches, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and a list of other problems. But if real life reflects how she looked after the baby was born, it will all be worth it!

20 weeks 6 days
I gained a couple more pounds this week and am now 2 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. This week the baby will grow to 12.7 oz, or the size of a large banana. Her digestive system is developing and she is swallowing amniotic fluid, as well as absorbing small amounts of sugar (but the placenta is still the largest source of nutrients). 

Cravings: chocolate, burgers, ice cream, strawberries
Aversions: raw onion, tomatoes, pickles 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 19 Recap -The Emotional Roller Coast Ride

This week has been full of ups and downs. I have definitely been sitting in the front row on the emotional roller coaster ride.

One big decision that is now out of the way: Eric and I have decided on the baby's name! We still have some family to share our choice with before we make the announcement, but it will be coming soon. Eric picked it, and I think it's adorable!

I was still pretty sick this week and had to see more doctors and have more tests. Tuesday I went in to see a GI specialist and he prescribed me some medication to help with the nausea, vomiting, and digestion issues. I am still waiting on the results of my tests and have to go back the week after next.

Eric and I had another ultrasound on Thursday. We went in thinking it would be pretty routine and we would get confirmation of the baby's gender, but some news shocked me to my core. The ultrasound tech was joking around with us and saying that everything looked great until she noticed a choroid plexus cyst. The choroid plexus is a tissue in the brain that produces fluid for the spine. A choroid plexus cyst, or CPC, is found in about 1-3% of ultrasounds between 16-24 weeks. Leave it to me to be part of another small percentage. The doctor and the ultrasound tech assured us that, although this can be a maker for Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18, without any other markers the odds are in our favor that this will disappear by 28 weeks. But honestly, it doesn't matter how many assurances we get, I will continue to worry about my child until we get the final word during our next 7 weeks. Please send thoughts and prayers for baby Widener's health!

19 weeks 3 days
As I tried to push past the fear and worry, I fell in love with the peanut all over again while we looked at pictures of our beautiful baby. The ultrasound tech wasn't able to tell us 100% that it is a girl, but she said if she had to pick one, she would say girl. That was enough confirmation for me!

Eric has, as always, been amazing, supportive, and very positive during all of this. I don't know how I would make it without him by my side! Our daughter has the best kind of daddy!
19 weeks, 3 days
19 weeks, 3 days

I also played the role of paranoid parent this week when I hadn't felt the peanut move around for a few days. I called my friends who are moms and nurses (or both) and asked them if it was normal to feel the baby regularly, then to not feel any movement for several days. Luckily they confirmed that is normal at this point. I still don't feel her nearly as much as I used to, but I know it's coming!

I was feeling great on Friday and Saturday and was able to get out of the house (finally). Eric and I went to Cypress Gardens and canoed, walked around, and then went on a drive with no real destination in mind. We had a great day and after eating at Gilligan's and coming home, we called it an early night. Saturday I spent time with my pregnant ladies, Malory and Ashley. It was great to do pregnant stuff with other people and not have to worry about boring them! We looked at maternity clothes, ate, got our toes done, ate, looked at baby clothes, ate more, and watched Ashley's 3D ultrasound. It was so much fun! I can't wait until all three of our October babies can meet and play together.
19 weeks 6 days

I gained a few more pounds this week and am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. The peanut weighed just under 10 oz on Thursday and we were told she is growing wonderfully and, aside from the cyst, she looks perfect in every way!

Tomorrow I will officially be at the halfway point and am looking forward to counting down the days to estimated delivery (141 to go)! This coming week the peanut will grow to somewhere between 10-12 oz, or the size of a small cantaloupe (or a can of soda/pop). She is building vernix (a waxy-like white substance) over her skin to protect her skin from getting chapped. She is also starting to produce meconium (the result of digestion).

Current cravings: chocolate, peanut butter, strawberries
Current aversions: tomatoes, onions

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 18 Update- Registry, Nursery, Names, and more!

I can't believe 18 weeks have passed so quickly! One more to go until the half way point. I am so excited!

I've been really sick the past week and am starting to doubt that I will ever feel ok during this pregnancy. I went to the doctor again this week because of new symptoms that have popped up. I gained a pound and a half and am being referred to a GI specialist to see if we can get my sickness under control. My stress and anxiety is building because of all of the time I am losing due to my medical issues. Thank goodness I have been blessed with such an amazing man who is able to deal with my craziness!

Eric and I were able to be productive yesterday and started our baby registries at Target and Babies R Us. It was actually fun! I have to admit, it was strange completing a baby registry before a wedding registry, but we still had a good time. I gave Eric full control of the scanner and we shopped our hearts out. I feel like we were scanning so much, but after reviewing the lists we are going to have to go back and add quite a few things. There were also some things we will just have to get on our own. I want to try breastfeeding, but I don't know if I will be able to, so all of those supplies were left off of the registry. Which stinks because they add up quickly. However, I don't want someone to gift it to us and then we have to turn around and exchange it. Also, if anyone goes to our Target registry and sees the $2500 television Eric put on there, please ignore it! He thought he was being funny.

Our nursery bedding!
We have also gotten quite a few things accomplished this week. Our nursery bedding came and it is adorable! I can't wait to make the wall decorations and furniture so we can set it all up! My mom ordered the party supplies for my baby shower and we looked at some favor and prize ideas. I also looked at some cake themes so I can decide on which one I like. Eric and I have finally created a very short list of names and are starting to narrow in on the final decision! I feel as if things are starting to come together. If only I could feel better so I can really enjoy it!

The peanut is currently between the size of a sweet potato and an heirloom tomato (about 6.0 inches). Her inner ear is developing, so she is starting to hear things (like my tummy, heartbeat, and loud environmental noises). This coming week she will be working on developing her senses (smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch), and her movements are becoming even more conscious and controlled. I don't feel her kicking everyday, but I am certainly feeling increased movements. Some days it feels like a few little jabs, others like she's participating in an Olympic gymnastics routine, and other days she's quiet. Hopefully she will get a little stronger so daddy can finally feel her!

18 weeks 4 days

Current cravings: chocolate ice cream, strawberries, pizza, chicken wings, kale (yay for finally craving greens!), and any kind of beef
Current aversions: onion, tomato, eggs