Sunday, July 29, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 26 Update- Validation & Viruses

Even though I feel like I've been pregnant forever, I am still surprised that there is only one more week until my third trimester! Charlee will be making her debut before we know it and I can't wait!!!

Organs look great!
It's definitely a girl!!!
Things aren't very exciting in this part of the pregnancy. However, we did have another ultrasound this week to check if the choroid plexus cyst was gone. Eric and I were so nervous the night before that we didn't sleep very well. I was sick in the morning and by the time we made it to the appointment I was uncomfortable, cranky, and scared out of my mind. Luckily the cyst was gone and there are no other indicators of Downs or Trisomy 18! Hearing that was music to my ears. The ultrasound technician also confidently verified that Charlee is, indeed, a little girl! Which is wonderful news because Eric and I did not want to have to exchange everything!

The only other news is that I have learned how difficult being sick while pregnant really is this week. Eric caught some sort of virus and wasn't feeling well most of the week. I thought I had managed to avoid it but started coughing and feeling weak on Friday. Today I am basically useless and have laid on the couch watching the Olympics while eating chicken noodle soup and drinking Gatorade (that my wonderful fiance picked up for me). All I really want is to take Nyquil and pass out, but I can't. After excessive research via the FDA website and my OB's approved list, I have settled on Robitussin. But I'm still paranoid and only take 2 tsp before going to bed at night. 

The peanut is getting stronger and has no problem showing off her boxing skills. Today it felt like she was using my uterus as a speed bag! This week she will grow to about 14.5 inches (or the size of a whole cauliflower) and about 2 lbs! She is working on making her immune system stronger and practicing her breathing skills by breathing amniotic fluid. 

Current cravings: chicken sandwiches, beef, chocolate

26 weeks 6 days

Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes and onions

25 Things I Miss About My Pre-Pregnancy Life

Earlier this week I posted a few things I miss about my life before pregnancy on Facebook. I have decided to extend that list because I'm sick and feel like whining. However, as much as I complain about all of this, I love Charlee and know that every one of these things is worth it because of the beautiful baby growing inside of me.

25 Things I Miss From My Pre-Pregnancy Life
1. Wine
2. High heels
3. Sleeping on my stomach
4. Deli meat
5. Not having to pee every 30 minutes
6. Excessive amounts of caffeine
7. Not crying over every little thing
8. Being in public without being touched
9. Being in public without getting unsolicited advice
10. Normal clothes
11. Late nights out
12. Leaving the house without having to bring a snack
13. Starting sentences with something other than "The baby..."
14. Taking medicine without checking the FDA website and harassing my doctor
15. Sleeping normally
16. Shaving in the shower (this is almost an impossible task)
17. Boobs that don't look like they're what Pamela Anderson chose her look from
18. Beautiful, healthy, baby-soft skin
19. Seeing my feet
20. Not swelling up to the size of a parade float when I step into the heat
21. Rarely having indigestion
22. Not really knowing what heartburn feels like
23. Being relatively anonymous at the doctors office
24. Being full for more than an hour
25. Not being sick all the time or having to explain that morning sickness really can last the entire pregnancy and isn't something that only happens in the morning.

...oh yeah, and not being so forgetful.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm Rubber and You're Glue!

I know that I have gone off on this rant in small bursts before, but things have reached the point where it warrants an entire post.

I am so tired of people thinking that just because I'm pregnant they have the right to say or do whatever they want to me. For example, on two separate occasions I have been asked "Do you really want a regular soda?" while ordering at a restaurant. The answer is YES. Even if I wasn't pregnant, what gives you the right to judge what kind of soda I want? However, I would love a diet soda, but artificial sweeteners are bad for baby, so regular Sprite it is when I'm so tired of drinking water I can't stand it.

People who actually realize that I'm pregnant and not just really fat come up to me and rub my bump without asking. I have gotten into the habit of rubbing theirs. It's definitely worth the look of terror on their faces. The only people I want close enough to touch my belly are my family and friends (and it's totally ok if any of you rub it). If people aren't rubbing my belly they are asking personal questions that are none of their business. I'm sorry person-I've-never-met-before but I don't really want to tell you my birth plan or if I plan on breastfeeding. It's none of you're friggin business if I choose to have a natural birth, use an epidural, or have a c-section. I don't want your unsolicited advice about how to raise my child when yours has been running around Target like someone with ADHD and a speed problem for the past hour. And I really don't think it's any of your business if I'm married or not because that has no impact on how much this child will be loved or how she will be raised.

Don't ask me what I plan to name my child if you are going to criticize it. If you are the kind of person who only likes traditional names, don't ask anyone what they plan on naming their child. If you don't like the name we spent days upon days trying to decide on, just smile and nod and keep your opinion to yourself. It isn't your daughter, so what does it matter to you anyway?

Yesterday, while I was shopping in the maternity section, two different people said to me "I think your shirt is a little snug sweetie." Ummmm, no. THAT'S MY BABY BUMP! I realize that some people are built with bigger bellies, but come on, my belly is perfectly round and pops up out of nowhere. My maternity clothes fit perfectly everywhere else then my bump pushes out in front. It is clearly a baby bump. I know it's rude to assume someone is pregnant, but if they are shopping in the maternity section it is fair say they are pregnant.

So here is my request to all of the non-preggos out there: please don't touch or say anything to a pregnant woman that you wouldn't want said or done to you. Think before you speak or act! We are extra sensitive and hormonal and I am tired of crying because of your blatant disregard for socially acceptable interactions. Thank you.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 25 Update - Ups and Downs

This has been an emotional week and I have never been so thankful to have so many caring and supportive people around.

On Monday I got the terrible news that my grandfather passed away. I was so sad to hear the news and was also heartbroken to realize that my mother would no longer be able to attend the baby shower she had put so much work into. Luckily I have wonderful friends and soon to be in-laws who stepped up when my mom couldn't be there.

Delicious food!
The baby shower was wonderful! I would like to extend a special thanks to Katie and Karen, Malory, Deb, and Ann for making sure everything went smoothly! Eric helped with picking up decorations and carving the watermelon baby carriage for the fruit and then made a quick getaway with his dad. We had delicious food, a beautiful cake, and Malory led some fun games. Charlee made out with some great gifts. She is already spoiled and is going to be a beautifully dressed little girl!

Dessert table!
The great part of this week was spending time with Katie again. It was so nice to see her in person instead of on Skype with the worst internet connection ever because she was in the Gambia. We went to South Carolina BBQ on Thursday, I took them on a tour of Charleston on Friday, and we went to dinner tonight. I'm just happy I won't have to wait a whole year to hang out with her again!

On a personal note, I've been handling the stress of the week pretty well. I had a few hours throughout the week when I wasn't feeling well, but it's passed quickly. I did take a bit of a tumble in the Publix parking lot on Friday night, however. It was raining and my foot slipped on the painted concrete. The world went into slow motion and I somehow twisted so I wouldn't land on my belly but instead landed on my knee. Luckily Charlee and I both made out ok!

25 week 6 days
In peanut related news: 99 days and counting down! Her lungs and brain are much more developed and can detect things like light and dark via her optic nerve. She can also hear noises outside of my belly (which I experienced when Eric popped a balloon this morning)! This week she will grow to 14 inches, or the size of a hothouse cucumber, and about 1.75 lbs.

Current cravings: chocolate, ice cream, beef

Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes and onions

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Peanut Tracker- Week 24 Update: H Is For Hungry

The great news as my second trimester is coming to an end is that I haven't been as sick, so things are relatively quiet. However, there are still a few exciting moments and a few annoyances as well.

The biggest issue I've been having lately: I am always hungry. It's like I'm making up for all the times I was too sick to eat. This, coupled with my cravings for sweets and pasta, makes it really difficult to stay on a healthy eating schedule to avoid gestational diabetes and keep this baby healthy. Whenever I sit down to eat the fruits and veggies I bought to snack on I turn into a really mean Cookie Monster (see picture). All I want to eat is chocolate, ice cream, cookies, and pizza. I have to battle my cravings every time I eat and it's getting really annoying. All of those pregnancy books that say cravings fade in the second trimester are lying. Don't believe them!

In other news, I've been pretty active lately. Thursday night Eric and I went on a double date with my best friend and her husband. The guys got to talk about becoming dads and Mal and I were able to swap pregnancy stories and talk about nursery themes. On Friday we went to visit Eric's family. Although I wasn't feeling very well when we left, I recovered quickly and spent time going through my future sister-in-laws maternity clothes and baby stuff that she was getting ready to sell. Then, the guys stayed back and Tasha and I went to a spa party. The party was fun (and relaxing), but the best part was that Eric's mom was finally able to feel Charlee kick! I can't wait until my mom is here Thursday so she can finally feel her! I was even active yesterday when I met up with Mal again to do some shopping, eating, and lounging by the pool.

24 weeks 6 days
In peanut related news, Charlee will finally start to gain some fat this week. She is also growing more hair (which probably means more heartburn for me). She will grow to about 1.5 lbs and 13.5 inches (or the size of a rutabaga). She is getting much, much stronger and is starting to wake me up with kicks and jabs in the middle of the night. On the plus side, I'm starting to recognize her routine, which is that she wakes up every 3-4 hours and she is always awake at 7am and usually at 7pm. I think I will be able to handle that once she is out in the world!

Current cravings: pizza, pasta, chocolate, ice cream
Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes and onions

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 23 Update- Feeling Fat and Forgetful!

Alright, let me just apologize now. I accidentally deleted the "What's In A Name" post where I announced the peanut's name and posted pictures of Eric putting together the nursery. SO, that means I have to touch on all of that again (otherwise it will be forgotten forever). I blame my pregnancy brain because I don't have any idea of what I'm doing anymore!

So, the first big announcement is that we have chosen the peanut's name:

                                                    CHARLEE JORDAN WIDENER

He's such a good daddy!
Eric picked Charlee (like Charlie) and it was the only name we really agreed on. Plus, I kept having dreams that Charlee was her name and I kept singing "Cheer Up Charlie" from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I think it was a sign. Jordan is after my older brother who passed away in 2009 and was the only request I made when we first found out we were pregnant. Jordan would be the middle name whether it was a boy or girl.

This week also marked the week we started putting together the nursery furniture. And by we I mean Eric put the crib and changing table together while I took pictures and held up random pieces when he needed me. I absolutely love the furniture and am so thankful that Granny and Papa (Eric's parents) gifted them to us!

The finished crib!
The other big news this week? Eric felt Charlee move! It was amazing and I am so glad he was the first person to feel her kick. I have also started seeing her move, which is beyond strange. So now we have to play the waiting game for the day that Eric sees her kick!

In other news, I've been really, really tired lately. I sleep 8-9 hours every night, then take a 1-2 hour nap every afternoon and I'm still fighting fatigue before I go back to bed. All the books I've read say that the first trimester is the most exhausting, but that was nothing compared to the past few weeks! If I don't sleep I get headaches, strong cravings, and moodiness. I really hope this passes soon!

This about sums it up...
If I'm not feeling tired, I'm feeling fat or forgetful. I'm not necessarily swollen, but my fingers get a little puffy when I wake up and my feet swell if I'm outside in the heat for too long. I look in the mirror or at pictures and feel like a beached whale. I feel like I've been pregnant forever and I still have 113 days until my due date! My pregnancy brain is getting worse too. I forget everything! What I'm doing, where I'm going, things I am in the middle of doing! I will be ecstatic when this symptom passes!

23 weeks 6 days
This week the peanut will be learning up from down and she is rapidly developing her respiratory system. Her lungs are preparing for breathing by moving amniotic fluid in and out of her lungs. She will grow to about 12.5 inches (or roughly the average size of corn on the cob) and will weigh about 1.25lbs. She's getting so big already!

Current cravings: chocolate (lots and lots of chocolate), Klondike bars, pizza, corn on the cob (I even eat it as a snack sometimes)

Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes and onions

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 22 Update & BIG NEWS!!!

This was literally the best weekend of my life! And that's hard to say after the weekend we found out we were expecting. But here it is:

We're engaged!!! 

Actual proposal
Eric proposed Friday morning at sunrise with a beautiful beach proposal. He had been saying that he wanted to take pictures on the beach while we were camping at Edisto Beach, and since the best light is at sunrise, he woke me up at 5:30am. He said he wanted to walk a little ways because there was a spot ahead where he could put the camera and distracted me with the gorgeous sunrise and sea life. When we were about 10 feet from the writing in the sand, I finally noticed. I read it and I was so surprised. He threw the camera stand down, his parents came out from a hiding spot to take the camera from him, and he lead me to a piece of driftwood he had burned the actual proposal into. He picked up the ring, got down on one knee, fought back some tears while I cried like a baby, and he asked me to marry him! I had to fight to speak and said "Yes, of course!" and he put the ring on my finger. I couldn't have imagined a more amazing proposal and I can't wait to start the next chapters of my life with him. 
Driftwood proposal and ring
It was amazing!

My beautiful ring!
In other news, I have been officially advised to avoid all stressful situations through the end of my pregnancy, including work. It's bitter sweet news because my job is very stressful and frustrating, but I'm worried about being bored on the days when I'm feeling ok. I guess I will have plenty of time to knit the baby blankets I need to finish for my friends baby showers! 

I only had 2 sick days last week and am hoping the trend continues. I think getting out in the sun might be a contributor to why I've been feeling better. It just makes staying hydrated more difficult! The peanut has been kicking up a storm lately but Eric still hasn't felt her. Every time I call him over, she stops, then starts again when he removes his hand. I swear she's doing it on purpose! Maybe this week is the week because she is definitely getting stronger.
22 weeks 6 days
The peanut has been working hard on developing her senses and she will be more proportioned to look like a newborn! She will be around 1.1 lbs and grow to the size of a large mango, or 11.5 inches. Some women start experiencing Braxton Hicks around this point of the pregnancy and I am really hoping I am not one of them!

Current cravings: chocolate, pizza, peanut butter
Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes and onions