I know, I know. The blog is late again. And, honestly, it will probably be a long time before I get it out in a timely manner in the future. It turns out that taking care of a tiny human is time consuming!
My clingy baby |
The 6 week mark was a great time for us. Although we still have a few hurdles to jump, I think Charlee and I are finally getting more comfortable with each other. I can recognize her cries and anticipate her needs, and I'm less terrified that I will break her or to leave her alone in her pack-n-play when I go shower (as long as I have a monitor on). We have been able to get out of the house and do our grocery and Christmas shopping without any real problems. The biggest problem I have during outings is strangers asking me to take the cover off of the car seat so they can stare at her. Sure, it's innocent enough if you aren't a parent, but I have that cover over her to keep germs out and to help her sleep. However, I will usually oblige and let them stare at her...from a distance. Luckily everyone seems to agree that we have an adorable little girl, which helps me get over the initial annoyance when someone asks me to disturb her.
Good morning mommy! |
Like I said, we still have some hurdles to jump. Charlee has a pretty serious case of baby acne and a small case of cradle cap. Both are caused by hormones at the end of the pregnancy and there wasn't anything we could do to prevent them. So, I have to find the perfect balance of bathing her to keep her scalp clean and brushed to help with the cradle cap, but not bathing her too much and causing her skin to dry out. She is also going through a very clingy phase. If she's awake, I better be holding her. If I put her down once she falls asleep, she will usually wake up within 10 minutes screaming for me to pick her up. The other night I had to sleep on the couch with her in the rocker and my hand in the rocker on her belly. It was the only compromise I could make. The pediatrician says a lot of babies go through a clingy phase at this age and she should grow out of it by 3 months. So, yeah, no big deal, just another 6 weeks of this...Let's hope she grows out of it sooner!
Another issue that Charlee has right now is a hind milk imbalance. Basically my body is producing way too much breast milk. I have always had an oversupply and a fast let down, which has caused other issues throughout our breastfeeding experience (including her rapid weight gain), but the imbalance just became an issue. And for those of you wondering how I know that she has an imbalance, the evidence was in her poops. That's something us new parents have to do: log, track, and analyze poops and pees. I wish someone would have sat me down and explained just how frustrating breastfeeding would be. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but it's a job. From the pain and frustrations of her learning to latch, and having to syringe feed her because she refused to nurse, to working with a lactation consultant, to pumping because of my over supply, to a fussy baby because of over supply, and now trying to decrease my supply and block feed so she gets hind milk. One side is always engorged and I am constantly in pain. But, the consultant said it should regulate by 3 months, so I'm going to stick with it. I know that I can make it through this!
Daddy daughter nap time! |
I also had my 6 week post partum checkup. I have lost 28 lbs and have only 5 more to go to my prepregnancy weight. The incision area is healing "perfectly" (in the words of my doctor), my blood pressure is back to it's usual 110/70, my blood work came back normal, and I was cleared to start moderate excise again (walking and swimming). I had my annual pap smear to make sure I don't have any more cervical cancer issues (I've had 2 scares in the past). To all the new mom's who are reading this: that was the worst experience ever! It was so painful. Being checked for dilation while I was in labor was NOTHING in comparison!
Something that has come out in the media recently that I find interesting is that Princess Kate is pregnant and she has hyperemesis. I think it's great that the condition is finally getting some media coverage because it is so unknown. People thought I was making it up or just being a wuss while I was pregnant. But it really is a serious condition! Hopefully people will finally have some small idea of what I went through for 8 months!
Meeting Auntie Mal and cousin Mack |
Charlee finally met her "cousin" Mackenzie this week. Eric and I loaded up the truck and drove to Mount Pleasant to visit my best friend for the first time since the day after she delivered. Mackenzie had grown so much and has a powerful set of lungs on her! We took a few pictures, caught up, swapped new parent and breastfeeding stories, and enjoyed spending time together again for the first time in way too long!
So, I'm basically swamped taking care of home and baby and keep thinking that if I were going back to work I would be going back next week. I can't imagine leaving my precious angel all day! I am so lucky to be able to stay home with her. And even though I spend most of my time in pj's (it's easier for nursing), I did go out and buy some real jeans this week. I was going to wait until my prepregnancy jeans fit because they ALMOST button, but my maternity jeans are starting to fall apart. So now I have a few new outfits for my new mommy body until I can lose some weight for the wedding (which Eric and I have finally started planning). And, to top off the great mood I've been in lately (when I get sleep), Charlee is starting to mimic my expressions and has started smiling more when she's awake. Every time I see that gummy smile my heart melts. I am just so incredibly, ridiculously in love with her!