Sunday, May 20, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 16 Update

I can't believe I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow! As slow as time is passing because of my sickness, it still seems to be flying by. Which is good, because I want to meet my little peanut!

The biggest baby related activities this week have already been covered in previous articles: the maternity tour at the hospital and Eric kissing my belly. I still haven't felt any kicks, which is making me a little sad. But I know it's coming! The only new symptom is that the tops of my feet have been really itchy. My doctor doesn't seemed concerned about it, but it's really annoying. I'm just counting down to my mom and stepdad visiting this weekend and finding out the baby's gender on Friday!!!

16 weeks, 5 days
Going into week 17, the peanut is almost the size of an onion. It's legs and arms are longer, more developed, and have more controlled movements. Baby will be working on swallowing, sucking, and blinking this week, and fat will be forming under baby's skin.

Cravings: strawberries (strawberries and splenda, strawberries and yogurt, strawberry shortcake), sweet potatoes, chicken wings (so glad my chicken aversion is gone), chocolate milk shakes (not ice cream, just shakes), peanut butter, pasta.
Aversions: onions, tomatoes, pudding

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