Sunday, June 24, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 21 Update

Summer is here!

Edisto Beach
I have been looking forward to getting out of the house and spending time being social for what seems like forever. And finally, it happened! Eric and I went to Edisto to spend the weekend camping with his family. The food was great, the beach was relaxing, and I was only sick one night. All in all, I call that a success! We are going back next weekend and I can't wait to get some more sun and feed the peanut more amazing food. 

Before going to Edisto the week was full of doctors appointments. I went in to see the specialist on Tuesday and he basically said that everything he can help me with while I'm pregnant is fine. In order to find out the real root of my issues he would have to perform an invasive procedure that comes with risks to the baby, so he wants to wait until after I deliver to see if the problems go away. Basically, there was nothing more he could do. My OB is aware of the situation, prescribed me some more antibiotics and probiotics, and said she would make her decision on what to do for the rest of my pregnancy at my appointment tomorrow.

Gymboree sale items
In more fun news, I have a new obsession: seeking out baby item sales. Last week I went to check out the sale items at Gymboree and found a ton of stuff for 7.99, 4.99, 0.99, and under. I bought a dress, a onesie, a t-shirt, a Christmas onesie and bow, two leggings, and four pairs of socks for $30. It would have been less, but that doggie dress was too cute and I had to have it even though it was $8. I am going to keep seeking out these sales because it's going to save us a fortune! Plus, it's really fun.

I am starting to get really excited about my baby shower and have been trying to go over in my head what I'm leaving off of the lists. I tried to keep the Target and Babies R Us registries different so we don't have duplicates of most things (except the necessary duplicates, like lotion, shampoo, etc), but I still feel like the registries look bare. I left off clothing because I know that people are going to buy whatever clothes they think are adorable anyway, and I did the same with burp cloths and receiving blankets. Babies need so much stuff! Eric and I decided not to put diapers on the registries either, but are hoping we get some in different sizes. We didn't register for anything in the 12-24 month range because we figure we can pick those things up over time. Wouldn't it be nice if this stuff just came with the baby?! 

The peanut was very active this week and her kicks are getting stronger. She even woke me up once while I was sleeping. Eric should be able to feel her sometime in the very near future! Most of the weekend she was sitting in a very uncomfortable position on my left side and I was very relieved when she moved back to the middle of my belly! 

21 weeks 6 days
This coming week the peanut will be developing her senses. Taste buds are forming and nerve endings are developing so she can experience the sensation of touch. She will be growing to about 1 pound in weight and  11 inches, or about the size of a spaghetti squash. She now looks like a really tiny newborn!

Cravings: chocolate, ice cream, beef
Aversions: onions, uncooked tomatoes 

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