Sunday, August 26, 2012

Peanut Tracker- Week 30 Update: Tired. Just Tired.

The days seem to be passing more and more quickly, which means the peanut will be here before we know it! 64 days if she sticks to the plan. However, as time is beginning to fly, we have more and more to do...just as this pregnancy is starting to make me exhausted! I wonder if I will ever again sleep the way I did pre-pregnancy...

I'm sure that the exhaustion I've been experiencing this week is connected to the newest symptoms I can add to the list. When I go to bed my legs start cramping and the discomfort causes me to wake up throughout the night. My heartburn is twice as bad at night as it has been, and my hips and knees ache. My body pillow helps a little, but I will be so happy when sleeping doesn't feel like this anymore!

The most uncomfortable symptom that I've developed so far: pelvic pressure. Charlee is sitting much lower than she has been and between that and my body getting ready to evict her in about 9 weeks, it's beginning to feel like a pro soccer player kicked me where it counts. My OB doesn't seem concerned about it and said they will check to see if I've dilated at all during my next visit. He did suggest I get used to it because the pressure is only going to get worse. I mostly notice it when I've been standing/walking/sitting for too long, so I've been trying to remind myself to move around more.

I had my 30 week appointment on Monday and everything went well. My blood pressure is low, the peanut's heartbeat is very strong, my weight gain is ideal, and she is measuring right where she should be. Hopefully the rest of our appointments go as smoothly!

We scheduled our 3D/4D ultrasound for next week. I am so excited and cannot wait to see what she looks like! The last time we saw her like that was at 17 weeks. I will make sure to post pics so everyone can see our little princess. We also found the block letters for our maternity photo shoot this coming Saturday. I've been looking everywhere and we finally thought to look at Walmart. I am also very, very excited to get those pictures taken.

Diaper cake motorcycle
Blanket I crocheted
In other news, today was my BFF's baby shower! I worked all week to finish crocheting a blanket for her daughter. I also made a motorcycle diaper cake, watermelon bassinet, and a couple other appetizers for the shower. I ran around all morning picking up the cake, balloons, autograph matting, and helping Jenn put everything together at her place, but it was worth it! I'm so glad her shower was a success!

Watermelon bassinet
In peanut related news, this week she will grow to 16.25 inches (about the size of four naval oranges) and about 3.3 lbs. She is due for a growth spurt, so she could grow even more! She will be able to move her head from side to side and her pupils can dilate and react to light. Her skin is also starting to turn more pink and less red while she continues to pack on the body fat. That means she should be really cute for our ultrasound on September 6!

30 weeks 5 days

Current cravings: ice cream, chocolate, oranges, beef

Current aversions: uncooked onions & tomatoes

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 29 Update - Sleepy, Sneezy,Grumpy, and Clumsy

Time is flying by and there are only 10 weeks left in this pregnancy (if Charlee sticks to the plan). 71 days and (quickly) counting down!!!

They have nothing on me!
I seem to keep noticing more and more symptoms. I am getting tired even more easily than before and get really cranky if I don't get a nap. I think it's because sleeping at night is getting more difficult. I wake up to pee every couple hours, my knees and hips hurt, and my legs keep cramping up. And heartburn is now a nightly experience. Also, I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks this past week and it is not the best feeling in the world. Honestly, they make me a little more scared of actual contractions! Unfortunately there isn't anything I can do about it. 

My "fun" new symptom: clumsiness. I'm not going to claim that I was the most coordinated person before I got pregnant, but this is completely different. This past week I broke 2 bowls, an unopened bottle of Worcestershire, and a Pyrex container. When I broke the container I cried. Not because I broke the container, but because I am so frustrated with myself. Today I almost dropped a to-go box of food in the car for no reason. My hand just let go. I didn't even realize I was doing it! After doing some research I feel a little better about it because apparently it's normal to lose your center of gravity at this point in the pregnancy.  My ligaments are also looser and it causes my joints to be more relaxed, which also causes coordination problems. 

So, I've been feeling fat, bloated, clumsy, congested, and cranky most of this week. However, I found this video on YouTube and watching it makes me laugh so hard that I actually feel a little better. The best way to understand the third trimester is to listen to the lyrics. Also, a huge kudos to the girl in the video for being able to dance like that while she's 34 weeks pregnant!

Our family
There have been several good things that happened this week. Eric sold his house in Williston, which is a huge relief! I also scheduled our childbirth, newborn care, and breastfeeding classes. We will be very busy next month! The only thing I have left to schedule is our 3D ultrasound!!! And tomorrow I start my bi-monthly doctors appointments. I'm a little scared I gained more than the recommended 1-2 lbs/week since my last appointment, but it is what it is. At least I can tell the doctor I've been exercising, getting more sun, and taking my Vitamin D supplements since our last appointment! 

Kirk, me, and mom
The best part of this week was that my mom and stepdad were able to come visit! It was a very short visit, but I was so happy they came. They arrived Friday afternoon and we hung out and went to an early dinner. After dinner we came home and had a little birthday celebration for both of them. Kirk's birthday was last month, and my mom's is next week, so we had cake, pie, and gifts. Yesterday we went to breakfast and got some blanket making supplies so my mom could show me a new crocheting pattern. After we cooked dinner at home mom felt Charlee kick, and then we played Canasta until way past my bed time. They left today after breakfast and I miss them both already. Next time I see them, I will be a mom!

29 weeks 6 days
In peanut new, she is getting much stronger and more active! As she experiences growth spurts over the next few weeks she will be more prone to hiccups. She will be shedding her lanugo (the fine hair that covers her body) because she will be able to regulate her own body temperature. This week she will grow to about 15.7 inches (about the size of a cabbage) and 2.75 lbs. With the peanut quickly growing, it's common for the mommies to experience more mood swings, anxiety, and be more emotional. So, everyone, you have been warned! 

Current cravings: Oranges, chocolate, ice cream sandwiches, beef
Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes & onions

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 28 Update- The Sisterhood of the Traveling Maternity Pants

One week of my third trimester down and I can't believe there are only 78 days until my due date!!!

I'm definitely getting much more uncomfortable. Sleeping is becoming more difficult, which stinks because I am much more tired now than I have been the rest of the pregnancy. My back hurts, my muscles ache (I really need a massage), my knees and hips are sore, and the peanut likes to become really active as soon as I lay down in bed. Even if I spent all day basically lying around on the couch, she waits until I try to sleep to throw a party in my belly. However, even with all of that, I am starting to enjoy my pregnancy much more. My sickness is becoming less and less of an issue because it doesn't last all day, which means I can actually get stuff done. And that means I feel like a person again!

This week I had my gestational diabetes test. I had to drink the nastiest orange drink and try to keep it down on Monday morning. They told me if I didn't keep it down, they would make me wait a while and drink it again! Somehow I managed and got the results back on Tuesday that I DO NOT have gestational diabetes!!! It was such a relief to get that news. I was terrified because of my family history and the fact that I was overweight when I got pregnant. However, the doctor did inform me that my vitamin D levels have significantly dropped (which is bad considering they were already really low in the first trimester). So now I have to double my vitamin supplements and make sure to get about 15 minutes of sunlight without sunscreen or makeup on every day. I never realized how many products I use that have SPF in them. That must be why my skin looks so healthy! I've basically switched my evening walks to morning walks, increased my supplements, and significantly improved my diet to include vitamin D enhanced foods (mostly dairy products). It hurts my tummy, but whatever keeps my baby healthy is worth it! The doctor also informed me that I have gained 18 lbs so far. So there goes my plan to only gain 20-25 lbs the whole pregnancy! She said it is a healthy amount of weight gain, but I really need to make sure to gain 1-2 lbs per week from here on out. I just hope I can lose it quickly later on!

On Friday Eric and I went shopping for a friends baby shower. It was fun to look at baby stuff for a boy after months of only looking at girl stuff. I really wanted to get her something that we hadn't gotten at our baby shower because that meant she probably wouldn't get it either. So, we settled on a diaper pail, mittens, and booties. The pail is pretty cool and I added it to our registry because you can use any garbage bag for that pail. We also bought some Dreft and I came home and washed clothes, blankets, sheets, and towels that didn't have tags on them. It was so much fun to wash and fold all of Charlee's stuff! I can't wait to take the tags off of everything and put it all away! Yes, the nesting continues!

Friday night I had an experience at Dog and Duck (yes, I went to another bar) that I haven't had in months. I was so excited to eat some bar food and ordered a patty melt. When the waitress brought the food I thought it smelled a little strange, but I took a big bite anyway...and almost got sick. I looked at Eric and said that I couldn't eat it. He looked at me funny, tasted it, then looked at me like I was crazy. I told him I couldn't have the sandwich anywhere near me because of the smell and he tried to help justify it for me by saying the caramelized onions were a little strong. So, he ate half my patty melt, his food, and a few of the wings I ended up ordering because my side salad wasn't going to cut it. My response? "Which one of us is pregnant again?"
The 3 pregnant amigos at the baby shower

Saturday was Ashley's baby shower. I met up with Malory earlier in the morning and we went to the shower together. It was a lovely event in a beautiful house with wonderful women. We ate some yummy hors d'oeuvres and cupcakes, watched Ashley open presents (many of which I was jealous of, lol), and chatted. There were other new moms and another pregnant lady there, so we had a great time swapping stories and bonding over motherhood. It really is amazing how women are willing to listen and give advice on the topic. It's like a sisterhood, a bond, that connects all of us in some way.

Pregnancy "glow" 
In peanut related news, the doctor said she is measuring exactly where she should be, so that is comforting! I start having appointments every other week next Monday and am looking forward to more ultrasounds and listening to her heartbeat. On Monday she was sitting breech and from what I can tell by her movements, she hasn't moved yet. However, that can change (and let's hope it does)! This next week she will grow to 15.25 inches (about the size of a butternut squash) and about 2.5 lbs. Her movements should increase over the next few weeks because the space in my belly is getting more cramped as she grows. Her bones, brain, and skeleton are developing more every day and that means making sure that I am giving her enough protein, vitamin c, d, and folic acid. My hormones are surging and I have some lovely blemishes making their way from under my skin, but right now it just looks like I have the much talked about "pregnancy glow".
28 weeks 6 days

Current cravings: peanut butter, chocolate, oranges, ice cream sandwiches

Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes, uncooked onions, caramelized onions

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 27 Update- Walking With A Waddle

Tomorrow it will finally be here: my third trimester! 85 days to go!!!

Time is flying by and crawling at the exact same time. I'm starting to feel the need to finish the nursery and get the house ready. Yes, I'm starting to nest. I guess it's a good thing because I have suddenly gotten a lot more organized with what we have left to do. I made several lists to easily check off the remaining items and tasks we have to do before Charlee makes her grand entrance. I have a list of things to do (like register for safety and breastfeeding classes, install car seat and have it inspected, make casseroles to freeze, etc), things we still need to buy (breast pump, bottles, and everything else on our registries), and things we need in our hospital bags (yup, I already have those lists created).

Eric and I did some work on the nursery this weekend. We went to Babies 'R Us and Target to pickup a few things for the nursery and to take advantage of some coupons I had. While we were walking around he pointed out that I am walking with a waddle. Great...We finished the changing table and now we just need some more storage bins for the other table, pictures for the walls, rug for the floor, and curtains to put up. We also want an end table for the rocker to put the adorable lamp we just bought and a clock for those late night feedings. Things are finally starting to come together, but I wish everything could be ready now. That must be my nesting instinct taking over again...

Changing table
TV stand we're using as shelving
Cute lamp we just ordered
Book ends I ordered
Rug I want to order
Tomorrow I have my glucose test. It was supposed to be last week but I rescheduled because I had a terrible cold. Being sick and pregnant is miserable and I hope (knock on wood) that I will be cold/flu free until long after I deliver. I am scared of the test and am really nervous that they are going to tell me I have gestational diabetes. I don't have any symptoms, but I know a couple people who didn't have symptoms and they ended up on insulin! I don't like needles and know it won't be easy giving myself a shot everyday if I have to. Also, I will really miss pizza, pasta, and cake...

On another note, I have lost track of this pregnancy. I have been asked twice this week how far along I am and both times I didn't know the answer. Eric knows and I don't! Thank goodness for my phone app or I would never be able to keep track!

27 weeks 6 days
In peanut related news, she is growing quickly now! This coming week she will grow to 14.8 inches (the size of a chinese cabbage or eggplant) and about 2.25 lbs! She has a more developed brain with grooves on the surface. She is developing a more regular sleep schedule and her clitoris is developing. I will soon be switching to appointments every other week instead of every 4-6 weeks (not that I ever made it that long) and in the next four weeks or so we will know how she is positioned!

Current cravings: ice cream, chocolate, pasta

Current aversions: uncooked tomatoes and onions

Thursday, August 2, 2012

25 Reasons Why I'm Looking Forward To Becoming A Mom

I know that a lot of my entries have been whiney lately, but it's honestly how I've felt. My body is no longer my own and every decision I make has become about this little critter inside of me. It's hard to go from complete and utter selfishness to being completely unselfish. But, I'm working on it!

However, there are a lot of positive things that I'm looking forward to once this bun is done baking. Here's a list of only 25 of those reasons:

1. Seeing my daughter for the first time.
2. Protecting her and helping her grow
3. First smiles
4. First crawl
5. First words
6. First steps
7. Good night stories
8. Playing with her
9. Watching Eric play with her
10. Becoming a family
11. Seeing the world through a child's eyes
12. Teaching her lessons about life
13. Baking with her like how my mom baked with me (I stirred and got to lick the spoon)
14. Dance recitals/soccer games/concerts (or whatever else she finds interest in)
15. Hugs and kisses
16. Having someone to pass on family heirlooms and traditions
17. Having a shopping buddy
18. Family vacations
19. Embarrassing the heck out of her during her teenage years
20. Watching Eric get nervous when she has her first date
21. Proms
22. Graduations
23. Becoming friends once she is older
24. Her wedding day
25. The day I can watch her become a mother too.