Sunday, May 6, 2012

Peanut Tracker: Week 14 Recap

With one week of my second trimester completed, I am finally starting to feel like me again. I'm still tired (growing a person can be exhausting), but I have a lot more energy then a few weeks ago.

I am also starting to see the end of the constant sickness. The past 3 or 4 days have been mostly nausea with only a little morning sickness and I'm hoping it continues to improve. Tonight I tried salt & vinegar chips to help with the nausea because my friends and family in Canada suggested it. I wish they had suggested it weeks ago! It helped with my nausea almost immediately and I realized I was so hungry that I almost ate the whole bag! 

Yesterday Eric got me out of the house and we went to look at potential coffee tables, window shopped, went to dinner, and then saw the Avengers (which was awesome, btw). It was so great to get out and see the world again! Now I can enjoy the summer heat and swim in the pool, go for walks, survive an entire day of work, and actually get work done around the house. 

We have another doctors appointment this Thursday and I'm really hoping the baby cooperates so the tech can give us an idea of the baby's gender. It will still be a little early, but, from what I've found in my research, sometimes they can tell as early as 14 weeks. I'm so anxious to know! And I know the grandmas-to-be are excited too. The most frustrating part: I want to pick a theme so I can start shopping, but Eric won't agree to pick a theme until we know the gender. Keep your fingers crossed for us! 

14 Weeks, 5 days
In other news, I've now lost a total of 15 lbs and I'm hoping that I will start gaining some of it back (even though my belly is already sticking out past my already enormous chest). The peanut will soon be the size of a naval orange and it's head is growing in. That means it'll be cute soon! Current cravings: vinegar, beef, sweet potatoes, drumstick ice cream, peanut butter, cinnamon. Current aversions: onions, tomatoes

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