Sunday, July 29, 2012

25 Things I Miss About My Pre-Pregnancy Life

Earlier this week I posted a few things I miss about my life before pregnancy on Facebook. I have decided to extend that list because I'm sick and feel like whining. However, as much as I complain about all of this, I love Charlee and know that every one of these things is worth it because of the beautiful baby growing inside of me.

25 Things I Miss From My Pre-Pregnancy Life
1. Wine
2. High heels
3. Sleeping on my stomach
4. Deli meat
5. Not having to pee every 30 minutes
6. Excessive amounts of caffeine
7. Not crying over every little thing
8. Being in public without being touched
9. Being in public without getting unsolicited advice
10. Normal clothes
11. Late nights out
12. Leaving the house without having to bring a snack
13. Starting sentences with something other than "The baby..."
14. Taking medicine without checking the FDA website and harassing my doctor
15. Sleeping normally
16. Shaving in the shower (this is almost an impossible task)
17. Boobs that don't look like they're what Pamela Anderson chose her look from
18. Beautiful, healthy, baby-soft skin
19. Seeing my feet
20. Not swelling up to the size of a parade float when I step into the heat
21. Rarely having indigestion
22. Not really knowing what heartburn feels like
23. Being relatively anonymous at the doctors office
24. Being full for more than an hour
25. Not being sick all the time or having to explain that morning sickness really can last the entire pregnancy and isn't something that only happens in the morning.

...oh yeah, and not being so forgetful.

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